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Shit We Should Know

Girl Scout Cookies……..Did You Know?

Okay all you cookie lovers out there, and I am one of them, here are some tasty facts about one of the cookie staples in America, Girl Scout ...
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Price, Wheel and Jeopardy!…..Did you Know?

Millions of people are fans of TV game shows and have been for decades going back to the old black and white versions of Beat the Clock, ...
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Fun Facts About the United States of America You Might Not Know

Even if you are a history buff, there are some things here that are probably not known. It is an interesting collection of 50 different facts ...
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Laurel & Hardy Fun Facts

With the opening of the film “Stan and Ollie” this is the perfect time to give you some fun facts about this comedic duo who were one of ...
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Shit We Should Know – Monthly Food Holidays in 2019

We all love food, we all love freebies, BOGO’s, coupons and discounts when it comes to food. So here are the monthly food holidays and the ...
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Looking Back 100 Years…..1919!

As we begin the new year of 2019, let's take a fun look back one hundred years. It is so easy to forget how many things have changed over the ...
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It’s Almost 2019

It is almost the beginning of the new year 2019 and there are still so many unanswered questions. We alI just have to wonder of we will ever ...
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Art’s World – The 12 Days of Holidays Sex Moves (Sexmas)!

  This is one of our newest Christmas features and we are glad to present it to features. It is a great subject for “Art’s ...
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Things to NEVER say when having sex!

  But whipped cream makes me break out. Will this take long? My favorite show comes on at 10. And to think I was trying to pick up your ...
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Shit We Should Know – Hollywood A to Z

From A to Z here are some interesting trivia facts about Hollywood, the movies, the actors, actresses, TV shows and more. A – All in the ...
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