Even if you are a history buff, there are some things here that are probably not known. It is an interesting collection of 50 different facts about our country in a variety of categories. Here are ten to get you started. The rest you can check out with the link that appears at the end.


The first President to reside in the White House was not George Washington, but John Adams. Washington oversaw the building of the White House that began in 1792, but it was never lived in until 1800.

We have had 45 presidents and almost 1 in 5 have died while in office. Four were assassinated (Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy) and four of natural causes (Harrison, Taylor, Harding, FDR). That’s not very good odds for that job.

More cows than people? Yep, according to Vox, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Wyoming have more cattle than humans. Combined those states account for more than 32 million cows, about one third of the entire cow population in the U.S.

The oldest President to serve our country was Ronald Regan who was 69 when sworn in as our 40th President. The tallest President was Abraham Lincoln who stood 6’ 4 ½” and the shortest was James Madison who topped out at 5’ 4”.

Most everyone, be a tourist or a native of the U.S. or even a native New Yorker think the Statue of Liberty is in New York City. It is not. Technically, its address is Jersey City, New Jersey as that part of the harbor is part of Hudson County.

Pizza, pizza! Americans consume 100 acres of pizza day and more than 300 billion pizzas are sold annually across the U.S. The biggest one day of the year for pizza shops all over the country is Super Bowl Sunday.

What ex – President is in the Wrestling Hall of Fame? Our 16th, Abraham Lincoln. Before politics young Abe was an extremely good wrestler and according to documentation won 299 out of 300 matches.

The $1 dollar bill was first introduced in 1862 during the Civil War. However it did not have George Washington’s picture on it. The first one dollar bills had the face of Salmon P.Chase, who was the Secretary of the Treasury at the time.

Did you know that state of Ohio was not formally a state until 1953. It was then that a gross oversight was corrected when Ohio Congressman George bender discovered the error. Seems that Thomas Jefferson approved the territory to become a state in 1803,  but due to an oversight Ohio was never formally admitted until 1953.

Too bad they didn’t have spell check back in the day. On the famed Liberty Bell on display in Philadelphia, the word “Pennsylvania” is misspelled. On the bell the state’s name has just one “N” as in Pensylvania.

Most info from Alex Palmer and BestLife.com


Here is the link to check out all the rest of these 50 facts: https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/did-you-know/50-facts-about-america-that-most-americans-don%e2%80%99t-know/ss-BBRWAiq?li=BBnb7Kz Now just think how more you’ll know if you ever get the chance to appear on Jeopardy!

Speaking of Jeopardy, we’ll have some fun facts about the three longest running games shows in the history of television, Price is Right, Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy coming soon.