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porn classic

Porn Classics Revisited – “Suzie Superstar” – Cal Vista – 1983

This week we travel back in time thirty five years to 1983. What kind of year was it and how much do you remember? The 80’s were quite a ...
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The Porn Classics Revisited – “I Like to Watch” -Caballero Video – 1982

This week we travel back thirty six years to 1982. The 80's were, yet again, another decade of change and a lot of positives for the future. If ...
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THE ART OF ADULT – The Porn Classics Revisited – “Naked Afternoon” – 1976

1976 was the Bicentennial Year as the U.S celebrated 200 hundred years of independence from England. Everything was centered on the red, white ...
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THE ART OF ADULT – The Porn Classics Revisited – “Sexcapades” – 1983

This week we’ll go back thirty five years to 1983. It was a year when a big boom in technology was taking place giving us a sample of what ...
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Porn Classics Revisited – “Two Women” – Rosebud Productions -1992

This week we take a look back at 1992. Hard to believe that was twenty six years ago. How time does fly! So many things have happened in that ...
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ART OF ADULT – The Porn Classics Revisited – “The Autobiography of a Flea” – 1976

This week we travel back forty two years to our Bicentennial year 1976. The 70’s were quite a decade of moving forward in many ways. Now, ...
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ART OF ADULT – Porn Classics Revisited – “Never So Deep” – 1981

This week we take you back thirty six years to1981. It was the beginning of a new decade and a future that seemed to have nothing but excitem...
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ART OF ADULT – Porn Classics Revisited – Eruption – Cal Vista – 1977

This week we go back forty years to 1977.  For me, 1977 was the year we made the decision to move from New Jersey to Florida. It turned out to ...
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Porn Classics Revisited – “Scoundrels” – Command Video -1982

This week we travel back in time to 1982. The decade of the 80’s would bring many changes to our lives forever. What do recall from that ...
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THE ART OF ADULT – The Porn Classics Revisited – “3 a.m. The Time of Sexuality” – 1975

This week we travel back forty two years to 1975. The 70’s were a decade of many changes in our lives and the world. One those changes would ...
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