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porn classic

The Porn Classics Revisited – “Naked Afternoon” – 1976

1976 was the Bicentennial Year as the U.S celebrated 200 hundred years of independence from England. Everything was centered on the red, white ...
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THE ART OF ADULT – “The Porn Classics Revisited – American Desire – 1981

This week we go back thirty seven years to 1981. How much do you remember as far as what the big stories were, prices and new advances in ...
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ART OF ADULT – Porn Classics Revisited – “Stiff Competition” – 1985

It was the decade of the 80’s and a lot of changes were taking place in our lives and around the world. What do you remember? Let’s take a ...
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ART OF ADULT – The Porn Classics Revisited – “The Autobiography of a Flea” – 1976

This week we go back down memory lane forty two years to our Bicentennial year, 1976. The 70’s were quite a decade of moving forward in many ...
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THE ART OF ADULT – The Porn Classics Revisited – Bad Girls –VCX – 1981

The decade of the 1980’s promised to be one of big advancements for the future, good times, new horizons, better living and a lot more. So ...
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THE ART OF ADULT – The Porn Classics Revisited – “3 a.m. The Time of Sexuality” – Westwood Films – 1975

This week the time capsule takes us back forty three years to 1975. The 70’s were a decade of many changes in our lives and the world that ...
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Porn Classics Revisited – “The Nicole Stanton Story – The Rise” – 1988

The decade of the 80’s were coming to a close so what do you remember from the year 1988? Let’s begin as we always do by taking a look back ...
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ART OF ADULT – Porn Classics Revisited – Eruption – Cal Vista – 1977

This week we go back forty one years to 1977.  For me, 1977 was the year we made the decision to move from New Jersey to Florida. It turned ...
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ART OF ADULT – Porn Classic Revisited – Wet Rainbow – Arrow Productions – 1974

This week we go back forty four years to 1974.It was a decade to remember and it would begin to shape the world we live in today. So let’s ...
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ART OF ADULT – The Porn Classics Revisited – “Barbara Broadcast” – 1977

This week we are back in the decade of the 70’s and 1977. A lot has taken place and changed over the last forty one years in the world we ...
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