“The opinions in this article are those of Art Koch and not necessarily the opinions of NightMoves Multi-media, Inc. or the AllAdultNewtork.com”.

I have been a proud American since the days of FDR. I have been through WW II, the Korean War, the Viet Nam War, all of the battles in the Middle East, 9/11 and most recently through some of worst nation dividing times I have seen and am living through and I am fed up!

Here it is January 2, 2020, the new year has just begun after a tumultuous 2019. It was a year that saw things happening in this great country that have left people from all walks of life, from all political parties, from all economic and social backgrounds  scratching their heads wondering what is next. It was a year where this country continued to get torn apart and divided a trend that began back in January 2008 and has continued to worsen since. I, like millions of Americans, am angry, fed up and something must be done to put a stop to all this hatred and division that continues to tear this country apart.

While I really don’t want to get political I have to be honest and say what I feel. I have never in my long life seen a President of our great country be ripped apart on a daily basis by politicians whose sole purpose since January 2016 was to do whatever they could, by whatever means  and methods possible, to get him out of office because their Hillary lost the election. Instead of trying to work together with our president they decided to go on a journey to do him in and here we are three years later and guess what? Donald Trump is still our President. Do I agree with everything he says or does? Hell no. Do I think that at times he digs his own hole by the things he says? Hell yes. But I respect the office of the President as I have for every president, good or bad. I try to understand both sides because there is blame on both sides, but the Democrats continue to make a very good argument why you should not belong to that party. People have drunk the Kool-Aid for three years that the Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff band wagon has promoted, all the while ignoring YOU and the needs that are important to you, your family, your way of living and so much more.  Here are some examples:

We have serious, threatening situations in Baghdad, Iran and North Korea.

There are terrorists attacks in various parts of the world and here.

Anti Semitism attacks are up 105% in the U.S.

Mass shootings totaled over 400 in 2019,  killing too many innocent lives.

We a have a very serious race problem that is growing in this country.

The homeless problem has reached epic proportions all over the country.

There is a massive mental health problem in the country that is largely ignored.

The price of drugs just continues to get more outrageous putting many people at risk because they can’t afford it.

Illegal’s are pouring into this country at an alarming rate and creating even more division .

Our veterans continue to get the short end of the stick by their representatives.

The entire school system fails to teach history the way it should be taught. (Ask any 7th or 8th grader what is Auschwitz and they won’t have a clue).

Roads and bridges are falling apart coast to coast and getting worse and nothing being done to make them more modern and safer.

That’s just a few of the pressing problems that need fixing immediately in this country. These are problems that both parties should be addressing and working with the President to fix. Unfortunately the Democrats continue the witch hunt after three years because they are butt hurt over their candidate losing the election. Their main job has been not to serve the people and their needs, but to unseat this President regardless of the cost, already well over $50 million of OUR tax dollars spent on this b.s. It is amazing to see some of the comments by certain Democrats  that were made prior to 2016 and how they did a complete 180 after Hillary was defeated. It is easy to find and proves the mission of the party is centered, not on their constituents and their needs, but only in getting the President out of the White House.

Now as we enter into 2020, I would hope that these people in Washington will take a good look in the mirror and decide the time has come to join together as one and bring this country back to where it belongs and let the president do his job. I know that is more than likely a pipedream, but I am fed up and just had to have my say.

Let’s hope for the best and have a terrific 2020 everyone.

Art Koch, National Features & DVD Editor, NightMoves Magazine and AAN