So, who are they and what is it they get? The holiday season is in full swing and we are now getting inundated with Christmas commercials on Radio, TV, Facebook, flyers in the mail, etc. All the big companies and stores wanting you to buy, buy, buy their various products for Christmas gift giving……….Okay, that’s nothing new, we go through it every year and it gets to a point that some commercials are so ridiculous, loud and off the wall, we just tune them out, turn them off and can’t wait until the holidays are over with………………….But some do get it.

Okay, so who are “they” and what do “they get” you are wondering. I’m talking about the few businesses whose commercials are not only a pleasure to watch and enjoy but they also tug at our heartstrings in a very good and positive way. Some are so well done we can’t wait to see it appear on the screen again. For me this year,  there are three that stand out this and I never get tired of watching them for 30 or 60 seconds. To begin with there are the Publix ads that are always family oriented, some with little dialogue, but images that can actually bring a tear or that choked up feeling. Right now they are running one from two years ago that still plays well. It is the the one with the daughter on the phone with her mother regarding a recipe for Thanksgiving dinner. It hit’s home with me and I am sure thousands of others.. Then there is the one from Hobby Lobby…..Okay I know some people don’t like this company for a variety of reasons, but their commercial for Christmas titled “Christmas is What You Make It”, really hits the heartstrings. It is the one with the single mother and teen son, she is struggling to make ends meet, goes off to her nurse’s job, the son sees the dishes not done, the laundry in a basket and a bare Christmas tree in the corner. He gets everything done while she is working a double shift and when she returns home and sees the tree all decorated, the laundry all done and neatly placed, the look from both mother and son will grab you big time. It is also an older one from a couple of years ago that is being brought back and it is a joy to watch play out.

However, my new favorite is the absolute best. No dialogue, just background music, no mention of the sponsor, but what a holiday message. It is presented by Amazon and shows three older senior women on a winter day watching kids on their sleds and toboggans enjoying riding down the hills and slopes. One woman gets the idea to order soft seats for the toboggans they can rent. One day she gives her two other friends the seats and next scene they are off on the toboggans having a blast, laughing, smiling and feeling young and youthful again. The only hint of who the company is comes at the end when the Amazon arrow appears, so you can enjoy the full message. As for the piano music it is  the Beatles song “In My Life” being played, a perfect title for this ad titled “Joy Ride”. This one is a heart tugger, so have a Kleenex ready. These are the kind of holiday commercials we canal enjoy because they send the right message in a very personal and real way while also making us think about how others are impacted by the holidays. I wish more would take this approach with their holiday advertising.

So, there you have my thoughts about some get it, and why. While I cannot stand some other Christmas spots, these three I will never tire of and I am glad “they get it”!………..Have a bountiful Thanksgiving and wonderful holiday season folks!

Art Koch, National Features & DVD Editor, NightMoves Magazine