As we come upon this Thanksgiving Day, in spite of the crazy, wacky, restrictive year it has been, there is much to be thankful for. I am also reminded at this time of a song by Louie Armstrong and one by John Lennon. John wrote and sang “Imagine” and that first line “Imagine if all the people……” Then there was ol’ Satchmo who sang “What a Wonderful World”. Now just think of those two songs and imagine if all the people…….(and I will add) would put away all their deep seeded and misguided hate……..what a wonderful world this could be.

For me, yes it has been a very strange year of giving up a lot of things that were a part of my daily life.  Not being able to go out to restaurants, shows, etc. not being able to get close to people with hugs and handshakes, not being able to celebrate birthdays and holidays like we normally would. Seeing the reports of people dying on a daily basis all over the world because of a killer virus that created all these restrictions we have had to live by for the past 9 months. Yet, with all that I am extremely thankful this Thanksgiving.

I am very thankful for my good health that almost came to an end nearly six years ago. I am thankful that at my age I can still work and do what I love, keeping people entertained and informed with my writing and reviews. I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, and food on the table, which so many don’t have. I am thankful for the wonderful, loving two families, the Gormley’s and Cianci’s, I have in my life. I am thankful to have a loving son, Warren, who has endured so much but remained strong. I am thankful for being able to share life in all its peaks and valleys with Carole, the most fantastic woman on the planet and who is truly a walking, breathing miracle of life. I am truly blessed and thankful for my two brothers Vern and Paul (from other mothers LOL). I am very thankful that I have some great friends and have all of you who follow my writings, reviews, comments and thoughts with my various features and postings. I am thankful that, despite its problems that I get to live in the greatest country on earth. I am truly thankful for so much more that I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

My wish for all of you is that this Thanksgiving, in spite of all the problems we are facing in so many ways, you will be able to enjoy the holiday fully. Please take a moment or two to reflect on all you do have that so many others all over the world do not. Be thankful that you can wake up each day and see the sun shine. Be thankful for those you have in your life that you love and care about. None of us are guaranteed the next day in this amazing creation called life so remember this, “Today is the tomorrow you dreamed about yesterday”.  Also as we come upon this holiday season and the new year of 2021, please think of those two songs and imagine if all the people……would put away all their deep seeded and misguided hate,……what a wonderful world this could be.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Art Koch, National Features & DVD Editor, NightMoves Magazine and AAN