The 10th Anniversary Phone Could Be a Virtual Reality Breakthrough

VENICE, CA – There is even more speculation than usual over the upcoming iPhone, partly because iPhone 8 will release on the 10th anniversary of the phone’s debut, and partly because of already-announced advancements to Apple computers shipping this year.

In recent days has published a series of articles on the iPhone 8 and how it could become the ultimate portable virtual reality machine.

Writer Dr. S kicks things off with “Apple Virtual Reality: Will the iPhone 8 be the Best Mobile VR Solution?”, an article that gives background, evidence and projections for the device, which will release this fall. He reminds readers that Apple announced at the 2017 WWDC that new Macs would be virtual reality compatible while iPhones would have augmented reality features to compete with any Google or Samsung products. They did not announce a VR headset adapter for the phone.

“Looking at new product features and examining their AR approach, I found out that Apple has the crucial components in place to put together a portable iPhone virtual reality system that would easily blow Google’s Daydream and Samsung’s Gear VR system out of the water,”’s Dr. S writes. “Whether or not Apple will join the somewhat successful virtual reality headset adapter market remains very unclear, however the pieces are there and the iPhone 8’s release is arguably the best time to do it.”

He says the screen will almost certainly hit 2k resolution, which is necessary for use with a VR headset.

In “Apple VR on iPhone Could be Amazing,” Dr. S says that the iPhone 8 has the “potential to be a kick-ass virtual reality machine in the vein of Samsung Gear VR.” The key to this is the screen.

“The iPhone 8’s screen will have two features that will make it work better than any other cell phone currently on the market,” he writes. One is the high-resolution screen (near 2k) and a 120Hz refresh rate (which, the doctor admits, “is highly speculative”).

Even if the 120hz refresh rate is speculative, it is (an important) part of the new iPad Pro, so it makes sense that it would be part of the upcoming iPhones. This is important because it would give them one of the smoothest VR screens on the market, stomping on Google’s Daydream (70hz) and Samsung’s Gear VR (60hz). The result is a much better – and more realistic – VR experience

“If there is going to be a year that Apple goes balls to the wall with extras like a VR adapter/headset, this is the year they will do it. The pieces are coming together for what could be a near-perfect groundbreaking VR compatible iPhone. As a reminder, these pieces are screen technology, 3d laser scanning abilities, and augmented reality software. Keep in mind this is all speculation, but we are seeing big clues in Apple’s dev code and other hardware releases that point to these components being used for VR.”

Read up:

Apple VR on iPhone Could be Amazing: Augmented Virtual Reality!

Apple Making Ultimate Portable VR with iPhone 8?

Apple Virtual Reality: Will the iPhone 8 be the Best Mobile VR Solution?

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