Browsing Tag

porn classic

THE ART OF ADULT – The Porn Classics Revisited – “Marriage and Other Four Letter Words” – 1974

This week we are taking you all the way back forty one years ago to 1974. A lot has changed since in so many ways, whether in our personal lives ...
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ART OF ADULT – The Porn Classics Revisited – Private Teacher – Caballero Video – 1983

This week we take you back thirty two years to the year 1983. What kind of year was it and how much do you remember if you were around then? The ...
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THE ART OF ADULT – The Porn Classics Revisited – “3 a.m. The Time of Sexuality” – 1975

This week we take you back forty long years ago to 1975. It was a decade of change. There was the disco rage for one and one other change that ...
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ART OF ADULT – Porn Classics Revisited – “Never So Deep” – 1981

This week we take you back thirty four years to the year 1981, the beginning of the decade of the changing 1980’s. It was a rime whewre there ...
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ART OF ADULT – Porn Classics Revisited – “Amanda By Night” – 1981

This week we are going back to the beginning of the 1980’s, 1981 to be exact, and see just what was what some thirty four years ago. If you ...
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Where Are They Now?? – Barbara Bourbon

One and done! Barbara Bourbon was born in California and spent the first sixteen years of her life on Indian reservations in the Pauma ...
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ART OF ADULT – Porn Classics Revisited – “Hands Off” – Plum Productions – 1987

This week we take a trip back thirty eight years ago to 1987. So what was that year like? Were you around then? How much do you remember if you ...
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ART OF ADULT – The Porn Classics Revisited – “I Like to Watch” -Caballero Video – 1982

This week we travel back in time thirty three years to 1982, the early part of the decade of the 80’s that would bring many changes to our ...
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ART OF ADULT – The Porn Classics Revisited – Babylon Pink – Command Video – 1979

This week we take you back to the final year of the wild and wooly decade of the 70’s and the year 1979. If you were around then, how much do ...
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Art of Adult – The Porn Classics Revisited – “Amanda by Night” – 1981

This week we take you back thirty four years to 1981 and the beginnings of the decade of the 80’s. The decade of the 80’s would provide a ...
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