Los Angeles, CA — This Saturday night, May 15, at 9 p.m., Mistress Cyan and the Sanctuary Studios LAX family will be celebrating their reopening for public parties with “Restart,” their first public party since the pandemic lockdown over one year ago.
“Yes, we have been given clearance by the Los Angeles Department of Public Health to open our doors and host our first event in more than 14 months,” said Mistress Cyan, founder and CEO of Sanctuary Studios LAX. “On May 14th 2011 Sanctuary Studios LAX celebrated its grand opening. Now 10 years later, almost to the day, we celebrate the long-awaited re-opening of Sanctuary! This would not have been possible without our members and supporters. On behalf of myself and our leather family, thank you so much for helping us keep the doors open!”
This event at the largest BDSM community space in Southern California is a fully vaccinated party. Guests must be fully vaccinated and over the age of 18 to attend. Attendees are asked to have ID and Covid Vaccination Card with them for the party, and without these credentials, entry cannot be permitted, due to Health Department Guidelines. Tickets can only be purchased in advance.
For purposes of the Health Department protocol, people are considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19 at more than 2 weeks after they have received the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), or more than weeks after they have received a single-dose vaccine (Johnson and Johnson or Janssen).
There will be complimentary soda and water, and complimentary beer and wine for guests age 21 and over.
Go to https://www.sanctuarylax.com/events/35614 for location, ticket info, and additional details.
About Sanctuary Studios LAX
Sanctuary LAX is a 7,000 square foot dungeon space with Mistresses and submissives available for BDSM sessions. The prestigious location is one of LA’s best kinky spaces, having hosted hundreds of parties, BDSM classes and workshops. Sanctuary also has space available for video productions. Go to www.SanctuaryLAX.com to learn more.
Twitter: @SanctuaryLAX
Instagram: @SanctuaryStudiosLAX
Fetlife: @Sanctuary_LAX