Did You Know?

Did You Know?

For those of us that are fans of shows like “Jeopardy” and others based on trivia this should be a fun feature. Today, clubs and bars all over the country hold various trivia nights for prizes and use a wealth of subjects. If you ever pass the test and get on “Jeopardy” this might come in handy and help. These deal mainly with facts and trivia regarding the U.S. So now here is “Did You Know?”

Jeannette Rankin from Montana, was the first woman elected to Congress. That was Nov. 7, 1916 and four years before women were even allowed to vote.

We all know that New York City is one of the biggest, most populated cities in the world. But did you know that at least 40 skyscrapers including the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building all have their own zip codes?

While California is considered the furthest west state in the continental U.S. not really true. In actually Reno, Nevada is 86 miles further west that the city of Los Angeles.

Ohio was the 17th State admitted to the Union on March 1, 1803. However, because the state forgot to ratify the state constitution, technically it was not a state until Ohio representative George Bender, in 1953 made Congress ratify it to mkake it official.

In 2015 the country of Canada’s population reached 36 million people. However, that is 3 million less than the 39 million who inhabit California.

We all know that the U.S. borders two oceans the Atlantic and Pacific. Did you know it also borders a third? Along the northern b0order of Alaska it also borders the Artic Ocean.

When it comes to horses people think of Texas, Florida or Kentucky. However, New Jersey has more horses per square mile than any other state.

The 15th President of the U.S., James Buchanan was never married throughout his entire life. While serving as president, his niece, Harriet lane Johnston, serve4d as his official First Lady.

Because Christmas actually had pagan roots it was considered an illegal holiday. It was made legal in 1836 by Alabama, but it wasn’t until 1907 before Christmas became a legal holiday in all 48 states.

The first commercial air flight in the U.S. was made on Jan. 1,1914 in Florida. Pilot Tony Jannus flew several people from the yacht basin in St. Petersburg, Florida across the bay to Tampa, Florida.

One of the most known pieces in American history is the Liberty Bell. However on one side of the bell the state name Pennsylvania is spelled wrong and is seen as Pensylvania, missing one “N”.

Boeing Aircrafts assembly plant in Everett, Washington is 98.3 acres and 472 cubic feet. It is so large that 75 football fields could fit inside the plant.

Most people believe that the heralded and historic Route 66 is the longest highway in the U.AS. Actually the longest is Route 20 which runs from Boston to Newport, Oregon a distance of 3,365 miles.


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