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Shit We Should Know


When you make the decision to go out to eat, you have numerous choices. There are thousands of fast food and full-service ...
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Strange and Crazy Laws That Still Exist Around the U.S.

As we all know there are a ton of laws in America. Now some are very obvious and seriously needed, but there are some in every sin gle state that ...
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Shit We Should Know – It’s Pumpkin Time!

Yep, it’s that time of the year as the fall and winter holidays begin with Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. That means pumpkin,  ...
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Comedy Corner – Time for some laughs

A blonde is in the bathroom and her husband shouts: "Did you find the shampoo?" She answers, "Yes, but I'm not sure what to do... it's for dry ...
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Some Fun Facts About “The Beast?

When we say ‘beast”, we aren’t talking about some wild animal in the jungle. No, we are talking about the Presidential Stae Automobile ...
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Every Day This Week is a National Food Day!

Wondering what to have for lunch or dinner this week? In this latest “Shit We Should Know” we are going to help you  and offer some ...
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Batman Began 80 Years Ago Today!

It is hard to believe that this American hero has been around for so long. But today we celebrate 80 years of Batman, the Caped Crusader. Here ...
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National Cheeseburger Day is Sept. 18, 2019

Yep, one of the most iconic food treats of Americans far and wide has its own special holiday every year on this date. The cheeseburger has ...
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The Month of September is………Part 2

Last week we gave you some day that are associated with the month of September that were on the serious side.  We just felt that people needed ...
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The Month of September Is………

Every month has some fun, unusual and also meaningful holidays and special days or the month itself. The month of September is no exception and ...
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