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Shit We Should Know

Strange and Crazy Laws That Still Exist Around the U.S.

With all the COVID-19 mandates, restrictions, etc. in various states because of the pandemic, we thought it would be fun to update and revisit ...
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Fun Facts About Valentine’s Day

Ah yes, February, the month of love and romance with February 14, Valentine’s  Day. The day when chocolates, roses, dinner for two and ...
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Some Fun Facts About “The Beast?

When we say ‘The Beast”, we aren’t talking about some wild animal in the jungle. No, we are talking about the Presidential State Automo...
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Reading Just for Fun

During the past year due to the COVID-19 outbreak and pandemic, people w ere locked down, out of work, time on their hands, no income and ...
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Did You Know??

Of course you didn‘t! So we will give you some crazy facts to help make your day a little more interesting. Here we go………. It would ...
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Things You Should Never Say When Having Sex

In view of all the turmoil and events of the past few days, it is time to lighten things up. So we give you this strictly for some ...
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Things You May Not Have Known About M*A*S*H

With  a this past year being so stressful with the pandemic, stayin g at home and having our lives changed, a lot of people were binging ...
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Christmas Cartoons

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Snacks, Snacks, more Snacks!

When it comes to food, snacks are a big part of daily life. Aside from breakfast, lunch and dinner, we all have our favorite snacks to munch ...
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Some Hidden Facts about “The Wizard of Oz”

There is no question that this film from 1939 has become a holiday classic in so many ways. It is enchanting, it is humorous, it is captivating ...
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