A new year, new hopes and dreams and so much to look forward to. First and foremost, I want to thank you for the support you have given me and this Wednesday feature since it began in November 2018. In that time we have covered and discussed a wide variety of subjects, thoughts, ideas and tried to entertain you as well. This feature has always been about the “3 P’s”
What are the 3 P’s? (only some will get the reference.) In the case of “Art’s World” the three “P”s stand for People, Places and Pleasures. We have talked about food, television, movies, sports, celebrities, old cars and trains, various destinations, a look back down memory lane and yes, at times even politics have found their way into this feature. Your comments, support and feedback to all these various subjects has always been a very meaningful and important reason why I keep at with this feature. I love the idea of sharing my various likes with all of you and discovering many new things along the way, not only from what I put down on paper but what I hear back from you.
I am sure as we continue on each week with this feature and the “3 P’s” there will be someone special that I will highlight at some point, as I have in the past, so that you get to know the person better and why they are special. In the meantime, I just want to thank you all once again for all the support, comments, thoughts and suggestions you have made along the way. I am happy to know this Wednesday feature has brought many smiles, laughs, insights, a reason to think and above all, some entertainment in your busy day. Thank you again, have a fantastic week ahead and always remember this, “today is the tomorrow you dreamed about yesterday.” Let’s really roar in 2024!
Art Koch, National Features & DVD Editor, NightMoves Magazine and AAN