I first presented this feature back in 2018, but a lot has changed since, for the better, when it comes to sex and seniors. I am updating this is because of a video done in 2019 that just won the AVN award as “Best Niche Release”. Wicked contract star Jessica drake has had a critically acclaimed and award winning series going for several years called “jessica drake’s Guide to Wicked Sex”. In this series she has touched on a variety of subjects concerning sexuality and with real couples, not actors or performers. She has touched on oral sex, anal sex, threesomes, plus size, striptease, foreplay and more. But the one that is the reason for updating this is the award winning “Senior Sex”. There are no actors, but two real life couples being interviewed and displaying their sexuality in uncut, uncensored scenes. We did a review on this DVD when it came out and you can find it at: https://aan.xxx/review-jessica-drakes-guide-to-wicked-sex-senior-sex/

Here is the original article that fits in perfectly with this latest “Guide to Wicked Sex: Senior Sex” from jessica drake.

This is a subject I had wanted to do for some time and when I found this article by Margaret Manning it gave me that chance. Here is what Ms. Manning had to say about sex after 60 and why it can be better.


One of the biggest myths about aging is that the older we get the less interested in sex we become. In reality sex after 60 is one of the world’s best kept secrets. Those of us who are still in relationships enjoy sex as much as at any point in our lives – even if society doesn’t want to think about it.

Apparently once we turn 60, women are supposed to be sexless and invisible. After all, why would we want to have sex, once our childbearing years have passed? As we all know from watching television, women over 60 are supposed to give up such irresponsible things, and settle in to a docile old age of chaste living, matronly wisdom, and unfashionable clothes. Right? WRONG!

Women over 60 are still sensual, still full of desire, still yearning for intimacy, and still full of love to give! In fact, there are many reasons why sex after 60 can be better than ever. Here are a few reasons why women over 60 are still able to have some of the most exciting sexual experiences of their lives:

Women over 60 have a built-in advantage when it comes to our sex lives – we tend to have more free time at this stage of life than we did when we were younger. We’re not raising children any longer. We might be retired, or working shorter hours at a part-time job or “second act” career that we chose for love of the work instead of the paycheck.

Having more more free time tends to give us more freedom to enjoy our relationships – whether that’s a marriage, a romantic “significant other,” or just the fun of dating new people.

And not just “fear of pregnancy.” Women over 60 tend to be more self-assured and self-confident. We’re comfortable with ourselves. We’ve seen it all during our lifetimes – and we’re less likely to be stymied by the body image issues or self-doubts or feelings of inadequacy that affect too many younger women. Confidence is sexy – and women over 60 tend to be more confident and willing to speak up about what we want to experience with our lovers.

Women over 60 tend to appreciate our intimate relationships so much more than we did when we were younger. Part of the reason is that we have lived longer lives – we have experienced love and loss. We have seen beauty and tragedy in our own lives and in the lives of our families and friends. Women over 60 might have gone through divorce, health challenges, the loss of parents, the deaths of close friends – and all of these life experiences create a richer emotional context for our intimate lives.

Today there are so many ways to meet new men. Even if you are not looking for a new mate, there are plenty of ways to find new ways to date and enjoy activities that you enjoy. Women over 60 tend to be more interesting people than we were in our younger years – we have been through so much, and we are still here, still seeking and still offering so much love!

Please talk to your doctor about your sexual health and sexual function as part of your regular medical appointments. As we get older, there are some various physical challenges with our bodies that can affect our sexual health and enjoyment of sex. Staying in better shape as we get older is another way to help enjoy a healthier and happier sex life!


Ms. Manning batted .1000 with her assessment. As someone who is in that over 60 (way over!) group I can attest to women being a lot more sexier, experienced, fun, sexual, desirable and enjoyable. I can honestly say the many of the women I have known who are over 60 are among the sexiest, accomplished, open minded and talented women I have met throughout my lifetime. Just because a woman has a few extra pounds, is known as “grandma” and has a few wrinkles doesn’t mean she can’t wear sexy lingerie and be a very sexual person in the bedroom. After all, age is only a number.

Speaking from a personal standpoint, we may be over sixty, grandparents, even great grandparents and have some miles on the tires. But we think young, act young, have very active sex lives and the motor still runs in high gear most of the time. I know we are not alone and we are, without a doubt, enjoying our senior years and sex can most definitely be better after sixty!

Please check out the award winning “Jessica drakes Guide to Wicked Sex:  Senior Sex” from Wicked Pictures. It will be a very revealing and enjoyable view that will open many doors you may have closed way to early.

Some info from Margaret Manning at sixtyandme.com