December 3, 2014 was a day I will never forget as I beat the odds. I was on my way to the office in Palm Harbor and about half way I started having some pains, and thought nothing of it. Then I began to sweat and rather than pull over, the stubborn German in me said keep driving and get to the office. The pains persisted, I was soaking wet from sweating and gasping for breath. When I got to the office Paul Allen Cianci took one look at me and knew something was wrong and said I should get to the ER. I gave him a hard time and I said some coffee and a cigarette and I’ll be fine, it’s no big deal. We argued more and finally got the ambulance to transport me to the hospital and I was really going in and out of it. Next thing I knew I woke up in a hospital bed and was told I had suffered a “widow maker” heart attack, and that only one out of four make it through. I also found out I only had a 30-45 minute window to make it or not.

Now here it is 10 years later to the day and I have never felt better. They did a great job, put in some stents, gave me heart medications to take and sent me home several days later. I was back in the office a week later. I did quit the smoking totally (and do not miss it), changed the diet a bit and the past 10 years have been without incident. I feel great, still working, still active, although a tad slower now, and enjoying each and every day that the good Lord gives me. But I couldn’t have done it without the help and blessings of my true love Carole, also Paul, Tracy, Vern and so many others who have been in my corner. It also gave me the chance to finish my book “When Swing Was King” and become a published author almost a year to the day later. Being given the gift of continued life on December 3, 2014 is the greatest Christmas gift I could ever be blessed with.

To all of you who have been a part of this journey of mine over the years, I send out a big thank you. I am now looking forward to the big 9-0 in 2025 and to keep on keepin’ on for a long time as I still have much to accomplish!

Art Koch, National Features & DVD Editor, NightMoves Magazine and AAN