Here we go with another Saturday special edition of “Additional New Releases” we call the “Dirty Dozen”….There are 12 new DVDs of all styles and genres. I have pre rated them to help you decide what you might like best…..There is a lot to like here so be sure to check them out and add some fun to your weekend.


                  3.5 stars                                        4 stars


                 4.5 stars                                           3.5 stars


               4.5 stars                                         4 stars


                3.5 stars                                      4 stars


3.5 stars                                           3.5 stars


                  3.5 stars                                    3 stars

There you have the “Dirty Dozen” for this week. There’s a lot of variety here to help get your weekend into a really sexy and fun mood. Check them all out as there is something for everyone. Enjoy, play hard, but as always please play safe!

Art Koch, National Features & DVD Editor, NightMoves Magazine and AAN