This is a special “weekend” edition of our twice weekly feature. We have so many new releases coming into the office that I want to make sure you get the chance to check out as many as possible.

So with this special edition today, rather than give you the usual overviews, I am going to post the box covers with my ratings  (1 through 5 stars) for each one. This way you will have a good idea what to buy or rent  with one of these new DVDs. So look them all over, make your selections, check them out further on the web and then enjoy all the entertainment they will provide. Here we go!


3.5 stars                                          3.5 stars                                      3 stars                                         4 stars


4 stars                                            3 stars                                                4 stars                                        3.5 stars


4 stars                                           3.5 stars                                         3.5 stars                                       3.5 stars

There you have a dozen more new releases to check out. There is a wide variety of titles, styles, genres to pick from. While none got five stars, there is plenty of steamy and sizzling sex scenes in this dozen to make for some exciting, entertaining and very sexually pleasing enjoyment. So enjoy have fun, play hard, but as always, please play safe!

Art Koch, National features & DVD Editor, NightMoves Magazine and AAN